best boba in la
17 February, 2020 | Bon Tea Cafe Updated 2021

The History and Evolution of the Best Boba in LA

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is a must-try if you are ready to be a little adventurous in your search for the best tea in Los Angeles. Bontea Cafe is the place to be if you are looking for delicious boba flavors and an awesome ambiance to enjoy your time. We dig into the old chest of ideas for something new that matches the same delicious boba tea served in our Cafe. Once you finish reading this blog, you will be able to make classic milk tea like the best boba in LA by yourself easily. 

The History of The Best Boba In Los Angeles 

It’s undeniable that taking a break during the course of a busy day to refuel is one of the gracious traditions of the English culture. Things get even more exciting when you can try in some warm scones, crustless sandwiches, and the best teas you can get in town. Whether you are working remotely from your home office or managing active office life, you can always use a good boba tea recipe in your cookbook. 

Preparing the best boba tea is very difficult, provided you get all the right ingredients and guidance necessary to pull it off. If anything, history teaches a few lessons, and this lesson about the background of the best boba tea is nothing but a tasty and memorable treat.

Before you get to the preparation of the best boba tea, let’s look at the interesting history behind this great drink. This unique tea is from Taiwan. The origin of bubble tea comes from black foam tea. History Society member, Zhen Daocong says the first black tea was offered in the Tianma teahouse in 1950. After several years, Shuangquan teahouse adopted this tea preparation method. For almost five decades, the drink was shaken and ground there. 

There is a great deal of speculation regarding the source of the best boba in LA. Some people put forward their argument that this organic tea originates from Taichung. On the other hand, another group of people believes that it was generated in Tainan. Irrespective of the correct store behind the origin of this tea, everyone agrees on one thing; traditional food shops influenced boba tea.

In the late 80s, people revealed that adding “tapioca balls” to milk tea can alleviate both hunger and thirst. “Tapioca Balls,” by the way, are a kind of Taiwanese snack. The discovery of this mixture was, in particular, useful during the hot summers of Taiwan.

Enjoying a cold drink by this time, was the next big thing. Once the public got familiar with the drink, tons of people waited in the queue to taste it. The older generation was curious about how it was possible to drink “tapioca balls.” It was understandable as these people had grown up eating this snack.

Youngsters, on the other hand, longed to taste this snack with milk tea. This combination influenced even entrepreneurs. Soon enough, businesses caught on to the potential business opportunities thanks to this mixture. 

The Origin of the Name Boba

best boba in la

The drink is known by the name “boba” in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. It was when the 50 Lan franchise was opened in Taipei that added Tainan’s pearls to the name of this tea. Taiwanese people gradually started to differentiate the two types of pearls from each other. The name originated from a beverage shop, namely Cao Meng. 

During that time, actress Amy Yip was very well-known. And the tea prepared from big “tapioca balls” was already called boba tea. It is worth mentioning that at that time, “boba” was a jargon to define women with large breasts. As it is clear, the actress factor played a significant role in driving the currently best boba tea in LA to new peaks.

A fascinating fact is the Taiwanese movie industry to which Amy Yip belonged started to decline slowly. However, boba tea got more prominence with time, even expanded overseas. 

The Modern Culture of the Best Boba in LA

The best boba places in LA have already substituted traditional tea houses in Taiwan. Now you can see tea shops almost everywhere across the west coast of the country. People now add different flavors to their tea-drinking culture. It may sound normal, but the idea was to end the traditional tea-drinking habits in Taiwan.

I see this evolution as a result of a versatile culture. Here, eastern tea, “tapioca balls,” and western creamer are shaken in the same way it was done to prepare alcoholic cocktails. In other words, diverse types of drinking cultures have come together to generate a drink that suits the culture of Taiwan. 

What Kind of Tea Should You Use in Boba Tea?

Black tea is the most commonly used type of tea to prepare the best bubble tea in LA. Some people make this tea by using matcha, or green tea, too. The most popular kinds of black tea are Ceylon and Early Grey. In case you have a problem with black tea, you can go for white or green tea. And if you like a creamier drink, I recommend you to choose oolong tea. 

Ideally, it should not take more than 15 minutes of your time to cook the tea. But it may be extended to more than an hour if you have not prepared the tea yet. The ingredients of boba tea include instant boba or black minute pearls, black, white or green tea, a type of milk, a sweetener like honey or syrup, and ice. The ice is optional. 

How Should You Make and Serve The Best Boba Tea

best boba place in la

You can use instant or traditional boba to prepare the best boba tea in LA. I advise you to use instant boba. That will ensure you make the tea in less than 20 minutes. On the other hand, if you decide to use traditional boba, it may take more than an hour to make. If we add up the cooling time, it will be even more. So, keep this factor in mind. 

It would be the best tea in Los Angeles if you let the tea soak for around 20 minutes. It should be strong since it is the base for the drink. That is also an option to rip the teabags to achieve even a stronger brew. 

Do not forget that you should handle boba carefully to achieve chewy boba. Before you add the pearls, ensure the water is boiling. You will also need to blend the pearls. It is crucial as you do not want them to stick to the bottom part of the pot. Once it is cooked, you should allow pearls to sit to make the boba chewier. Usually, 2-3 minutes will be enough for it. 

Once done, you will have to drain the boba with a strainer and wash them with cold water. When you see that it is strained, soak it in syrup. It will be necessary as it will ensure they do not stick to each other. 

Lastly, do not forget to serve it with some sugar, extra cream, and other add-ons. You never know how your guests will want it served. It largely depends on personal taste, but some people do like to drink it with waffles for breakfast.


Now that you know the history and the recipe of the best boba in LA. Prepare this classic milk tea at home to enjoy in sweltering summer days. Also, you can treat your friends to boba made by yourself, which would go well at house parties and garden tea parties. As mentioned earlier, the best boba place in LA is Bontea Cafe.

You should visit Bontea - the finest tea and waffle house in LA to relieve the stress of the working day and have amusing conversations with your friends. If you found this article helpful and want to know how to make the best boba in LA by yourself. You may want to check out other materials on our page, too, to learn some more useful information on related topics.