elderberry syrup
17 March, 2022 | Bon Tea Cafe Updated 2022

Elderberry Syrup: Recipe, Benefits, Risks, and More

Elderberry syrup is prepared from the berries of the European Sambucus tree. People often use tart berries in the preparation of jam, pie, and wine, but they've also been utilized in traditional medicine for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Elderberry syrup is well-known cold prevention and treatment. One cup of berries provides about 40% of the required daily vitamin C. It's also high in antioxidants, which may help prevent heart disease and cancer by protecting your cells from harm.

Are Elderberries a natural cure for cold and flu? 

People have been using Elderberry to support the immune system for millennia. However, there isn't enough scientific data to support elderberry's use in combating the common cold and influenza. Although some research shows that elderberry can help with flu symptoms, there isn't enough evidence to advocate it as a panacea.

Keep in mind that elderberry extract, elderberry flowers, and other immune-boosting ingredients like echinacea may be found in numerous teas, tinctures, and syrups.

Whatever you do, make sure you notify your doctor about any alternative or natural treatments you're doing. By just informing them, you may be able to avoid some interactions.

Elderberry Syrup Benefits

elderberry syrup

Elderberry is garnering a lot of attention since clinical research reveals that taking certain elderberry extracts, such as lozenges, within 48 hours after commencement will help minimize flu-like symptoms and duration. This does not imply that it prevents or cures influenza. If you think you have the flu or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please get medical help. Black elderberry, on the other hand, may offer additional advantages due to its antiviral and antioxidant qualities. Elderberry tea, taken many times a day, appears to benefit some people with constipation, according to a preliminary study.

Pain Reduction

Anthocyanins decrease inflammation. Elderberry extract acts by limiting the production of nitric oxide by the body's immunological cells. Nitric oxide functions as a signaling molecule that induces inflammation when you get sick. Slowing down this response may help to minimize pain and edema.


In a clinical investigation evaluating prospective constipation therapies, elderberry was one of the key components. Elderberry is an effective laxative in therapy. But we need additional research to discover if elderberry would have the same effect if taken alone.

Cold Treatment

Elderberry has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a cold cure. Several research and studies have been conducted on this topic, and many of these assertions have been confirmed. For example, in a large study of air travelers who had cold symptoms during or after their flights, those who consumed elderberry had much shorter and milder illnesses.

There have been few human investigations on elderberry's anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Disease Prevention

According to several alternative healthcare specialists, elderberry possesses antioxidant capabilities. They believe that elderberries can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

While it's true that eating a high-antioxidant diet can benefit, no studies have explicitly linked elderberry intake to these sickness outcomes.

It Can Be Good For Your Heart

Some measures of heart and blood vessel health may respond favorably to elderberry.

According to some studies, Elderberry syrup lowers blood fat levels and cholesterol levels. Furthermore, a diet rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanins has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease.

Nonetheless, one research reported no significant reduction in cholesterol levels in 34 participants. Those were given 400 mg of elderberry extract (equal to 4 mL of juice) three times a day for two weeks.

A diet rich in black elderberry, on the other hand, lowered cholesterol levels in the liver and aorta but not in the blood in mice with high cholesterol. Rats fed meals containing polyphenols derived from elderberry had lower blood pressure, according to another research.

Elderberries may also help to lower uric acid levels in the blood. Increased blood pressure and unfavorable effects on heart health are connected to elevated uric acid levels.

Elderberry can also enhance blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion. It's critical to keep blood sugar under control. Because type 2 diabetes is a big risk factor for heart and vascular disease.

What are the possible risks of using elderberry syrup?

The "leaves, stems, uncooked and unripe berries, and other plant components of the elder tree contain a poisonous toxin," according to the University of Rochester Medical Center.

If you don't prepare elderberry properly, it might induce nausea, vomiting, and severe diarrhea.

Although an elderberry smoothie or ice cream sounds delicious, we don't advocate eating raw elderberries since they can be dangerous. It's also why sifting through your berries and removing any stems or leaves is essential. 

How long does Elderberry Syrup Last?

elderberry syrup

Elderberry syrup is shelf-stable and has a shelf life of up to a year or more if you follow our canning instructions. Once opened, your jar should keep for 1-2 months in the refrigerator. With the raw honey and lemon juice, it might survive much longer. But you'll want to keep an eye on it for any indications of mold and destroy it right away. So, these are the main tips for those who are searching for topics like how to make elderberry syrup and preserve it the right way. 

How to make elderberry syrup?

Dried elderberries, water-fresh ginger, honey, and cinnamon sticks are the main ingredients in this elderberry syrup recipe to make it at home.

To avoid wasting any juice, you should squeeze all of it out of the berries. A wooden spoon's back should do the trick. Make sure the liquid has cooled before adding the raw honey. To make it more appealing to children raw honey sweetens the syrup, but it also has therapeutic properties.

After that, put it in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to two months. Take 1 tablespoon daily for adults and 1 teaspoon daily for children. That dosage should be repeated four times daily in case you or your children are ill or feel something coming on.

Final crucial point: Is there anyone who should avoid trying elderberry?

Elderberry syrup may have some potential negative effects, so check with your doctor first to be sure they're safe for you. If you're pregnant or nursing, this is extremely critical. Diuretics and diabetic medicines can be exacerbated by elderberry. It can also help to maintain and strengthen the immune system. While this is normally a positive thing, elderberry might be problematic if you have a hyperactive immune system. Also if you have an autoimmune illness, or are taking drugs to suppress your immune system.